Nextcloud » Historie » Revision 11
Revision 10 (Jeremias Keihsler, 03.12.2021 18:49) → Revision 11/14 (Jeremias Keihsler, 06.11.2022 14:28)
h1. Nextcloud one variant to be tested for Fedora 33 Server: h2. Install currently in EPEL-testing ... h3. ius-release repo [[dw_os_cos7:repo_ius_release|IUS repository]] h3. php7.1 <code> yum install php71u php71u-mysqlnd php71u-dom php71u-mbstring php71u-gd php71u-pdo php71u-json php71u-xml php71u-zip curl php71u-curl php71u-mcrypt </code> h2. podman based taken from <pre><code class="shell"> sudo dnf install podman </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman network create nextcloud-net podman network ls podman network inspect nextcloud-net </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman volume create nextcloud-app podman volume create nextcloud-data podman volume create nextcloud-db </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman volume ls podman volume inspect nextcloud-app </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman run --detach --env MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud --env MYSQL_USER=nextcloud --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=DB_USER_PASSWORD --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=DB_ROOT_PASSWORD --volume nextcloud-db:/var/lib/mysql --network nextcloud-net --restart on-failure --name nextcloud-db </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman run --detach --env MYSQL_HOST=nextcloud-db.dns.podman --env MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud --env MYSQL_USER=nextcloud --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=DB_USER_PASSWORD --env NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER=NC_ADMIN --env NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=NC_PASSWORD --volume nextcloud-app:/var/www/html --volume nextcloud-data:/var/www/html/data --network nextcloud-net --restart on-failure --name nextcloud --publish 8080:80 </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman container ls </code></pre> h3. update container <pre><code class="shell"> podman pull mariadb:10 podman stop nextcloud-db podman rm nextcloud-db podman run --detach --env MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud --env MYSQL_USER=nextcloud --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=DB_USER_PASSWORD --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=DB_ROOT_PASSWORD --volume nextcloud-db:/var/lib/mysql --network nextcloud-net --restart on-failure --name nextcloud-db </code></pre> <pre><code class="shell"> podman pull nextcloud:20 podman stop nextcloud podman rm nextcloud podman run --detach --env MYSQL_HOST=nextcloud-db.dns.podman --env MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud --env MYSQL_USER=nextcloud --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=DB_USER_PASSWORD --env NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER=NC_ADMIN --env NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=NC_PASSWORD --volume nextcloud-app:/var/www/html --volume nextcloud-data:/var/www/html/data --network nextcloud-net --restart on-failure --name nextcloud --publish 8080:80 </code></pre> h1. config.php additions h2. automagically clear deleted files taken from Nextcloud may delete files from trash as necessary but has to after 10 days latest. <pre><code class="php"> 'trashbin_retention_obligation' => 'auto, 10', </code></pre> h2. password-recovery not working, getting 'network error' on GUI taken from <pre><code class="php"> 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', </code></pre> h2. default phone region not set taken from <pre><code class="php"> 'default_phone_region' => 'DE', </code></pre> h1. occ inside container h2. add missing indices as for update from NC22 to NC23 there are some indices missing. <pre><code class="shell"> podman exec -it -u www-data /bin/sh php occ db:add-missing-indices exit </code></pre> h2. add missing BigInt (64bit) identifiers <pre><code class="shell"> podman exec -it -u www-data /bin/sh php occ db:convert-filecache-bigint exit </code></pre>