Wiki » Historie » Revision 38
Revision 37 (Jeremias Keihsler, 30.04.2024 09:39) → Revision 38/39 (Jeremias Keihsler, 11.06.2024 08:35)
h1. Topics * [[dw_infra:Wiki| Infrastructure Project]] ** [[dw_os_ub2204:Setup| Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Setup]] ** [[dw_os_cos9:Setup| CentOS 9 - Setup]] ** [[dw_os_cos8:Setup| CentOS 8 - Setup]] ** [[dw_os_cos7:Setup| CentOS 7 - Setup]] * [[RPI| Raspberry experience corner]] * [[dw_os_and44x86:Wiki| Android experience corner]] * [[dw_hw_ThinkPad:Wiki| ThinkPad experience corner]] h1. CentOS/Fedora usage related * [[iRedMail| iRedMail]] * [[DITA-OT| DITA-OT]] * [[pfSense| pfSense Firewall]] * [[letsencrypt| Let's Encrypt]] * [[MailCow| MailCow-dockerized]] * [[owncloud| ownCloud]] * [[podman| podman - daemonless container management]] * [[nextcloud| nextCloud]] * [[Redmine| Redmine (Bitnami Stack)]] * [[wordpress| [[Roundcube| WordPress]] Roundcube Mail-Web-Interface]] * [[Zabbix| Zabbix]] h2. outdated (not in use any more) * [[Igel_UMS| IGEL Universal Management Suite]] * [[iRedMail| iRedMail]] [[wordpress| WordPress]] * [[owncloud| ownCloud]] * [[Roundcube| Roundcube Mail-Web-Interface]] [[Zabbix| Zabbix]] h1. Debian/Ubuntu usage related * [[dw_os_ub2204:Setup_erpnext14| Setup ERPNext in Ubuntu]] * [[ERPNext14| ERPNext 14]] * [[dw_os_ub2204:Setup_erpnext14_dockerized | dockerized ERPNext 14]] * [[dw_os_ub2204:Setup_erpnext15_dockerized | dockerized ERPNext 15]] h1. General Topics * [[dw_hw:Wiki| Hardware]] h3. Redmine specific historically all markup is done @textile@, but maybe some day this will be my friend someone may use @pandoc@ to convert from markdown to textile because you could have some markdown-files left over from or markdown seems to be the next way to go this table format works (at least with Redmine 3.3.1.stable)