



SQLite » Historie » Revision 1

Revision 1/2 | Weiter »
Jeremias Keihsler, 13.01.2017 18:27


Backup DB

While SQLite-DB consists of just one file, you shouldn't just copy the file. It might be corrupted by doing so.

If you want to copy the DB-file you might want to (taken from

shell$ sqlite3 some.db
sqlite> begin immediate;
<press CTRL+Z>
shell$ cp some.db some.db.backup
shell$ exit
sqlite> rollback;

the other way may be dumping the DB. This is easily done by

sqlite3 sample.db .dump > sample.bak

based on the rsnapshot-backup-script for postgresql following script might be invoked by rsnapshot

# by Jeremias Keihsler <>
# based on the script
# by Nathan Rosenquist <>
# This is a simple shell script to backup a SQLite database with rsnapshot.
# The assumption is that this will be invoked from rsnapshot and also that it
# will run unattended.
# This script simply needs to dump a file into the current working directory.
# rsnapshot handles everything else.

umask 0077

# backup the database
/usr/bin/sqlite3 /var/www/html/owncloud/data/owncloud.db .dump > owncloud_dumpall.sql

# make the backup readable only by root
/bin/chmod 600 owncloud_dumpall.sql

Von Jeremias Keihsler vor etwa 8 Jahren aktualisiert · 2 Revisionen