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Jeremias Keihsler, 13.01.2017 13:14
Setup rsnapshot-diff¶
This Perl-Script is taken from http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/DCANTRELL/App-Rsnapshot-1.999_00002/bin/rsnapshot-diff
install rnsapshot-diff¶
there is no actual install, just copy the file into your /usr/local/bin
and make it executable
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################## # rsnapshot-diff # by David Cantrell <david@cantrell.org.uk> # # This program calculates the differences between two directories. It is # designed to work with two different subdirectories under the rsnapshot # snapshot_root. For example: # # rsnapshot-diff /.snapshots/daily.0/ /.snapshots/daily.1/ # # http://www.rsnapshot.org/ ############################################################################## # $Id: rsnapshot-diff.pl,v 1.4 2009/03/06 13:40:04 hashproduct Exp $ =head1 NAME rsnapshot-diff - a utility for comparing the disk usage of two snapshots taken by rsnapshot =cut use strict; use constant DEBUG => 0; use Getopt::Std; my $program_name = 'rsnapshot-diff'; my %opts; my $verbose = 0; my $ignore = 0; my $show_size = 0; my $result = getopts('vVhis', \%opts); # help if ($opts{'h'}) { print qq{ $program_name [-vVhi] dir1 dir2 $program_name shows the differences between two 'rsnapshot' backups. -h show this help -v be verbose -V be more verbose (mutter about unchanged files) -s show the size of each changed file -i ignore symlinks, directories, and special files in verbose output dir1 the first directory to look at dir2 the second directory to look at if you want to look at directories called '-h' or '-v' pass a first parameter of '--'. $program_name always show the changes made starting from the older of the two directories. }; exit; } =head1 SYNOPSIS rsnapshot-diff [-h|vVi] dir1 dir2 =head1 DESCRIPTION rsnapshot-diff is a companion utility for rsnapshot, which traverses two parallel directory structures and calculates the difference between them. By default it is silent apart from displaying summary information at the end, but it can be made more verbose. In the summary, "added" files may very well include files which at first glance also appear at the same place in the older directory structure. However, because the files differ in some respect, they are different files. They have a different inode number. Consequently if you use -v most of its output may appear to be pairs of files with the same name being removed and added. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -h (help) Displays help information =item -v (verbose) Be verbose. This will spit out a list of all changes as they are encountered, as well as the summary at the end. =item -V (more verbose) Be more verbose - as well as listed changes, unchanged files will be listed too. =item -s (show size) Show the size of each changed file after the + or - sign. To sort the files by decreasing size, use this option and run the output through "sort -k 2 -rn". =item -i (ignore) If verbosity is turned on, -i suppresses information about symlinks, directories, and special files. =item dir1 and dir2 These are the only compulsory parameters, and should be the names of two directories to compare. Their order doesn't matter, rsnapshot-diff will always compare the younger to the older, so files that appear only in the older will be reported as having been removed, and files that appear only in the younger will be reported as having been added. =back =cut # verbose if ($opts{'v'}) { $verbose = 1; } # extra verbose if ($opts{'V'}) { $verbose = 2; } # ignore if ($opts{'i'}) { $ignore = 1; } # size if ($opts{'s'}) { $show_size = 1; } if(!exists($ARGV[1]) || !-d $ARGV[0] || !-d $ARGV[1]) { die("$program_name\nUsage: $program_name [-vVhi] dir1 dir2\nType $program_name -h for details\n"); } my($dirold, $dirnew) = @ARGV; ($dirold, $dirnew) = ($dirnew, $dirold) if(-M $dirold < -M $dirnew); print "Comparing $dirold to $dirnew\n"; my($addedfiles, $addedspace, $deletedfiles, $deletedspace) = (0, 0, 0, 0); compare_dirs($dirold, $dirnew); print "Between $dirold and $dirnew:\n"; print " $addedfiles were added, taking $addedspace bytes;\n"; print " $deletedfiles were removed, saving $deletedspace bytes;\n"; sub compare_dirs { my($old, $new) = @_; opendir(OLD, $old) || die("Can't open dir $old\n"); opendir(NEW, $new) || die("Can't open dir $new\n"); my %old = map { my $fn = $old.'/'.$_; ($_, (mystat($fn))[1]) } grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(OLD); my %new = map { my $fn = $new.'/'.$_; ($_, (mystat($fn))[1]) } grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(NEW); closedir(OLD); closedir(NEW); my @added = grep { !exists($old{$_}) } keys %new; my @deleted = grep { !exists($new{$_}) } keys %old; my @changed = grep { !-d $new.'/'.$_ && exists($old{$_}) && $old{$_} != $new{$_} } keys %new; add(map { $new.'/'.$_ } @added, @changed); remove(map { $old.'/'.$_ } @deleted, @changed); if($verbose == 2) { my %changed = map { ($_, 1) } @changed, @added, @deleted; print "0 $new/$_\n" foreach(grep { !-d "$new/$_" && !exists($changed{$_}) } keys %new); } foreach (grep { !-l $new.'/'.$_ && !-l $old.'/'.$_ && -d $new.'/'.$_ && -d $old.'/'.$_ } keys %new) { print "Comparing subdirs $new/$_ and $old/$_ ...\n" if(DEBUG); compare_dirs($old.'/'.$_, $new.'/'.$_); } } sub add { my @added = @_; print "Adding ".join(', ', @added)."\n" if(DEBUG && @added); foreach(grep { !-d } @added) { $addedfiles++; my $size = (mystat($_))[7]; $addedspace += $size; # if ignore is on, only print files unless ($ignore && (-l || !-f)) { print ($show_size ? "+ $size $_\n" : "+ $_\n") if($verbose); } } foreach my $dir (grep { !-l && -d } @added) { opendir(DIR, $dir) || die("Can't open dir $dir\n"); add(map { $dir.'/'.$_ } grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(DIR)) } } sub remove { my @removed = @_; print "Removing ".join(', ', @removed)."\n" if(DEBUG && @removed); foreach(grep { !-d } @removed) { $deletedfiles++; my $size = (mystat($_))[7]; $deletedspace += $size; # if ignore is on, only print files unless ($ignore && (-l || !-f)) { print ($show_size ? "- $size $_\n" : "- $_\n") if($verbose); } } foreach my $dir (grep { !-l && -d } @removed) { opendir(DIR, $dir) || die("Can't open dir $dir\n"); remove(map { $dir.'/'.$_ } grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(DIR)) } } { my $device; sub mystat { local $_ = shift; my @stat = (-l) ? lstat() : stat(); # on first stat, memorise device $device = $stat[0] unless(defined($device)); die("Can't compare across devices.\n(looking at $_)\n") unless($device == $stat[0] || -p $_); return @stat; } } =head1 SEE ALSO rsnapshot =head1 BUGS Please report bugs (and other comments) to the rsnapshot-discuss mailing list: L<http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rsnapshot-discuss> =head1 AUTHOR David Cantrell E<lt>david@cantrell.org.ukE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2005 David Cantrell =head1 LICENCE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =cut
Check rsnapshot-diff¶
/usr/local/bin/rsnapshot-diff -h
Von Jeremias Keihsler vor etwa 8 Jahren aktualisiert · 1 Revisionen