


Setup nextcloud server19 » Historie » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Jeremias Keihsler, 20.03.2021 18:22) → Revision 2/4 (Jeremias Keihsler, 20.03.2021 18:48)

h1. Install Procedure for NextCloud-Server 19.x 

 h2. Requirements 

 To install NextCloud-Server 19.x you will need the following: 
 * a installed and supported operating system (e.g. Fedora 33 Workstation) 
 * root-access 
 * a fast internet connection 
 * [[setup_apache|Apache]] 
 * [[setup_mariadb|MariaDB]] 

 h2. Preliminary Note 

 this how-to assumes the machine with a vanilla Fedora 33 Workstation installation. 

 h2. Install  

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 yum install nextcloud-httpd nextcloud-mysql 

 h2. Setup  

 h3. Create nextcloud-DB 

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 mysql -u root -p 
 CREATE USER 'nextuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 
 CREATE DATABASE nextcloud CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; 
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextuser'@'localhost'; 

 h3. make nextcloud available to the outside world 

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 ln -s /etc/httpd/conf.d/nextcloud-access.conf.avail /etc/httpd/conf.d/z-nextcloud-access.conf 
 systemctl restart httpd 

 h3. run nextcloud-cron-job 

 # JKE 2017-03-03 
 # minute hour day month dayofweek 
 # +---------min (0-59) 
 # | +-------hour (0-23) 
 # | | +-----day of month (1-31) 
 # | | | +---month (1-12) 
 # | | | | +-day of week (0-7) sunday=0 of 7 
 # | | | | | 
 # - - - - - 
 # m h d m d 
	 */15 	 * 	 * 	 * 	 * 	 apache 	 /usr/bin/php /usr/share/nextcloud/cron.php  

 h2. Firewall 

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 firewall_cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http 
 firewall_cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https 

 h2. Test  

 h2. Troubleshoot  

 h3. can't send mail via smtp 

 maybe because of selinux 

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on 

 h3. Blocked in Maintenance-Mode after upgrade 

 basically taken from 

 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 cd /usr/share/owncloud 
 sudo -u apache php occ maintenance:mode --off 
 sudo -u apache php occ upgrade 

 did it for me (upgrade to Owncloud 8.0.10 @ 2016-02-29) 

 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 sudo -u apache php occ maintenance:repair 

 may be of additional help