



Howto prevent Windows 10 leave NTFS-partitions with dirty bit set

disable fast startup

taken from:

this worked for me so far.

  1. press key-combination WIN+r to reach run-window
  2. enter control and press Enter
  3. Nun öffnet sich die Systemsteuerung. Klicken Sie auf das Menü Hardware und Sound, anschliessend auf das Untermenü Energieoptionen.
  4. Suchen Sie den Punkt Auswählen, was beim Drücken von Netzschaltern passieren soll. Klicken Sie dort auf die Meldung Einige Einstellungen sind momentan nicht verfügbar (benötigt Adminrechte).
  5. Nun erscheint die Option Einstellungen für das Herunterfahren. Dort entfernen Sie den Haken bei der Option Schnellstart. Danach klicken Sie auf Änderungen speichern.

disable hibernation

alternatively try:

taken from:

I have two (win) NTFS partitions allocated by Win 7, and transferred to Win 10. I have two logical (Ub) NTFS partitions allocated by Ubuntu.
Win and Ubuntu has respective operating system partitions.
Data generated by Win wrote to (win) NTFS and Ubuntu can read them. Data generated by Ubuntu wrote to (Ub) NTFS and can be read by Win.
Such set up worked fine dual booting with Win 7. However, several days ago after converting to Win 10, Ubuntu refused to mount both (win) NTFS and (Ub) NTFS because the partitions were dirty with cached data generated by Win 10 (according to Ubuntu).
Probably by coincidence, the Start menu failed and Win 10 partially crashed. The problem was automatically uploaded to Microsoft, and a fix was automatically downloaded after about a day and half.
Now, since yesterday or about, although no crash appears, but all the NTFS partitions are dirty again. How do I report Win 10 dirty partition problem to Microsoft? Thank you very much.

On multiple-boot installations you must have 'hibernate' disabled in Windows 10.
You get that by first starting the command interface in administrator mode there you type

powercfg /hibernate off

and press the Enter key.

(With hibernate enabled, Windows 10 may leave the file system behind in a messy state.)
Sadly, one of the next Win10-Updates may well enable hibernate, so you haveto turn it off again.

Von Jeremias Keihsler vor fast 6 Jahren aktualisiert · 6 Revisionen